Waste water treatment in the corrugated board industry from Almawatech
Specialized & tailor-made

Waste water solutions

Wastewater from the paper industry is characterized by a high chemical oxygen demand (COD), which can be used for biogas production. In order to comply with the limit values in Annex 28 of the Wastewater Ordinance, it is advisable to install aerobic post-treatment, for example in the form of biofiltration.

Biological treatment is often suboptimal for wastewater from the corrugated board and cardboard industry, which generally contains a high proportion of glue and dyes. In this context, precipitation and flocculation plants with subsequent filtration are the state of the art. After this comprehensive treatment, the purified wastewater can be safely discharged into the public sewer system.
Compliance with the limit values according to Annex 28 AbwV
Combination of biogas production and aerobic post-treatment possible
We offer you planning & construction of the wastewater system
Customized industry solutions

Our products for the treatment of waste water from the corrugated board, cardboard and paper industry

A brief overview of our technologies and products for the treatment of wastewater with high levels of organic compounds and color pigments

Find out more about wastewater treatment in the paper, corrugated board and cardboard industry and download our industry catalog.

References & satisfied customers

Take a look at a selection of our successfully implemented projects.

Get in touch with us!

Dominik Hoffmann

Head of Project Development

Maksim Milosevic

Project development