Water treatment for heat generation and heat recovery
Specialized & tailor-made

Water treatment

In the world of heat recovery, heat generation and the operation of heat networks, the reliable supply of process water is crucial to ensure efficient and sustainable energy production. Our highly specialized plants focus not only on delivering high quality process water, but also on integrating the use of treatment chemicals to optimize plant performance.

The efficient generation, recovery and transport of heat in water-bearing systems requires a reliable ultrapure water supply and the use of specific treatment chemicals such as corrosion inhibitors, bioinhibitors, dispersants, oxygen binders and stabilizers.

Our facilities also emphasize water recycling as part of sustainable operating practices. By using advanced technologies, we minimize water consumption and efficiently integrate recycled water into the process.
Reliable supply of ultrapure water for heating networks
Equipping water treatment plants with heat recovery modules
Treatment chemicals for corrosion protection and against biological and inorganic deposits

Water treatment plants and chemical treatment concepts

Improved heat transfer efficiency: Inorganic deposits of 1 mm can lead to heat losses of 10 - 15 %. We use water analyses to identify potential deposits and prevent them by using our chemical products.
Cost savings through preventative measures: A tailored treatment concept and system monitoring minimize the need for expensive repairs and the premature replacement of fittings, pipe sections and heat exchangers.
Compliance with the guidelines for heating water according to VDI 2035 for hot water heating systems and water heating systems as well as AG FW worksheet FW 510 for industrial heat supply and district heating supply
Customized construction of process water treatment and ultrapure water systems for use as heating water

Requirements for heating water according to VDI 2035

VDI 2035 Richtlinie für Warmwasserheizungsanlagen nach DIN EN 12828 und Wassererwärmungsanlagen nach DIN 4753 innerhalb eines Gebäudes (Vorlauftemperatur < 100°C)
Standard values for circulating water in accordance with VDI 2035 for hot water heating systems (DIN EN 12828) and water heating systems within a building (DIN 4753)

Requirements for heating water according to AGFW 510

Grenzwerte für Heißwasserheizanlagen (Vorlauftemperatur > 100 °C) und Warmwasserheizanlagen (Vorlauftemperatur <= 100 °C) in der industriellen Wärmeversorgung und in der Fernwärmeversorgung
Customized industry solutions

Our products for ultrapure water production and treatment of water circuits

A brief overview of our technologies and treatment chemicals for the production of ultrapure water and the operation of heating circuits
References & satisfied customers

Take a look at a selection of our successfully implemented projects.

Get in touch with us!

Dominik Hoffmann

Head of Project Development

Maksim Milosevic

Project development