Obligations for operators of evaporative cooling systems and cooling water systems in accordance with the 42nd BImSchV and VDI 2047

Operator obligations for the operation of evaporative cooling systems and cooling water systems in accordance with the 42nd BImSchV and VDI 2047

The operation of evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators entails a high level of responsibility, particularly with regard to the protection of the environment and human health. The 42nd BImSchV (42nd Federal Immission Control Ordinance) and VDI 2047 (guideline of the Association of German Engineers) are the central regulations in Germany for ensuring the safe operation of such systems and minimizing the risk of legionella spreading.

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COD vs. TOC: Why TOC will replace COD as the key parameter.

COD vs. TOC: Why TOC will replace COD as the key parameter.

Various parameters are available to determine the degree of contamination in wastewater, including chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC). The traditional parameter COD, which has been the subject of controversy for some time, is increasingly being replaced by the more modern and environmentally friendly parameter TOC.

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Operational management for a wastewater treatment plant

Operational management from Almawatech

Our blog article gives you an exclusive insight into plant management in industrial wastewater treatment. Find out how you can increase the efficiency of your wastewater treatment and save costs through effective operational management.

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