Obligations for operators of evaporative cooling systems and cooling water systems in accordance with the 42nd BImSchV and VDI 2047

Operator obligations for the operation of evaporative cooling systems and cooling water systems in accordance with the 42nd BImSchV and VDI 2047

The operation of evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators entails a high level of responsibility, particularly with regard to the protection of the environment and human health. The 42nd BImSchV (42nd Federal Immission Control Ordinance) and VDI 2047 (guideline of the Association of German Engineers) are the central regulations in Germany for ensuring the safe operation of such systems and minimizing the risk of legionella spreading.

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Management of ALMAWATECH

Shareholder structure and management set up for the future

Carolina Hupfer joins the management team. The authorized signatories Dominik Hoffmann and Dominik Kieser join the group of shareholders.
On February 1, 2025, Carolina Hupfer joins the active management of ALMAWATECH. As Managing Director with sole power of representation, she assumes responsibility in the growing ALMAWATECH with a focus on human resources, finance, controlling and strategy development. Carolina Hupfer is a daughter of Gottlieb Hupfer, a shareholder of ALMWATECH and has been familiar with the company for some time as a member of the Management Advisory Board. Carolina Hupfer is an economist and studied at the universities of Bamberg, Budapest and Halle. During her studies, she gained practical experience in the water and wastewater technology sector. Until the end of 2024, she was Managing Director of the German PlasticsEurope industry association in Frankfurt.

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EU wastewater directive KARL

The new EU Urban Wastewater Directive: Impact on industry and wastewater treatment

The revision of the EU Urban Waste Water Directive (UWWD) marks a decisive turning point in water protection. With the aim of further reducing the environmental impact of wastewater, the directive brings significant changes for municipal and industrial players. This new regulation now faces the challenge of being transposed into national law within 30 months. The ambitious timetable requires rapid development of strategies and adjustments, both at political level and in practice.

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Reverse osmosis with biological pre-treatment

Effects of free chlorine on reverse osmosis membranes

Reverse osmosis systems are powerful, but sensitive to free chlorine, which can permanently damage the membranes. This article explains why this is the case, which chemical processes take place and how you can protect your reverse osmosis systems.

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Annual review 2024 ALMAWATECH

Review of 2024 - Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

2024 was a year full of growth, innovation and success for our company. Despite challenging economic conditions, we achieved many milestones together with our employees, partners and customers. We would like to share the most important events and developments of our year below.

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Waste water treatment plant for a cold rolling mill

The function of anion exchangers, cation exchangers and the role of the CO₂ trickling filter

Ion exchangers are indispensable components in water treatment. They specifically remove dissolved ions from the water and adapt its quality to a wide range of requirements - whether for industrial processes, the production of demineralized water or the recycling of process water. In this article, we explain how cation and anion exchangers work, which ions can be removed by the different types of resin and when it makes sense to use a CO₂ trickle filter.

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New ZUMISPEK research project: Condition-controlled microbiological sewage sludge treatment to increase the phosphorus and energy yield in sewage treatment plants

The sustainable and efficient treatment of wastewater and sewage sludge is one of the biggest challenges facing municipal wastewater treatment plants today. With our new ZUMISPEK research project, we are taking an innovative approach to both optimizing phosphorus recovery and increasing the energy yield in wastewater treatment plants.

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Research projects Wastewater treatment at the Transferexchange of Hessenmetall

ALMAWATECH at the Transferexchange of HESSENMETALL: Innovation meets cooperation

On November 14, 2024, we had the great opportunity to present our research projects at the Transferexchange of HESSENMETALL. Together with our representatives, Laura Loreth and Maksim Milosevic, we presented innovative solutions and developments that are helping to shape the future of industrial water and wastewater treatment.
The Transferexchange provided an ideal platform to promote the transfer of knowledge and technology between industry and colleges/universities in Hesse. The open and cooperative environment facilitated exciting discussions and exchanges about current challenges and innovative approaches in water technology.

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