
Turnkey construction of a municipal wastewater treatment plant with mechanical pre-treatment stage(ALMA BHU LHPS), primary clarification, 3-stage, biologically activated filtration plant(ALMA BHU BAF) and sludge treatment. The modular biofiltration plant comprises the stages of chemical phosphorus precipitation, upstream denitrification, nitrification and downstream denitrification.

Design data

Preparation quantity:

  • 166,667 population equivalents
  • Daily wastewater volume: 40,000 m³/d
  • Maximum inflow: 2,167 m³/h

Target parameters:

  • BOD 10 ppm, COD 50 ppm, SS 10 ppm, NH4-N 5 ppm, TP 0.5 ppm

Solution & implementation

The procedure includes the following process steps: 

In the first process step, coarse and fine screens are used to remove coarse impurities from the wastewater. The aerated grit trap installed downstream ensures the separation of grease and oil. 

Subsequently, dissolved substances (mainly phosphorus compounds) are converted into undissolved substances by neutralization precipitation in our ALMA BHU LHPS and separated using high-performance lamella separators. The remaining biological compounds are degraded by microorganisms in the ALMA BHU BAF process. The ALMA BHU BAF process has a 3-stage structure and includes upstream nitrification, denitrification and nitrification. 

The sludge produced in the process is collected separately in a thickener and then dewatered.

References Municipal wastewater treatment

Customer Weihai Water Group Co., Ltd.
Commissioning 2018
Location Weihei,
People's Republic of China
Processes Pre-treatment, precipitation,
biological treatment,
sludge treatment
Product Coarse & fine screen,
Aerated grit trap,
Sludge treatment

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