
Conversion of an existing BWRO pre-treatment line to the BiosS-Treat® process and optimization of the circular clarifiers.

Design data

Preparation quantity:

  • 6,850 m³/h (164,400 m³/d)

Target parameters:

  • Pre-treatment of wastewater for water recycling in a reverse osmosis plant with minimized biofouling potential

Solution & implementation

Our ALMA BHU BiosS-Treat process was specially developed for the pre-treatment of wastewater for a reverse osmosis system. The process is designed to minimize the biofouling potential and thus minimize the operating costs and longevity of the reverse osmosis system.

Due to the existing process technology, the decision was made to use depth filtration with biodegradation(ALMA BHU SMF). This degrades the remaining dissolved organic compounds. Downstream of the depth filtration, a circular clarifier is installed which has been optimized in terms of process engineering.


References Refineries & Petrochemicals

Customer Fajr Petrochemical Company
Commissioning 2012
Location Bandar Mahshahr
Process Depth filtration +
The product ALMA BHU BiosS-Treat

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