Wastewater treatment plant for production wastewater from biodiesel production

Viterra, Magdeburg, ALMA NeoDAF HDED, ALMA FLOC AC

Task Viterra Magdeburg GmbH is a leading producer of biodiesel, pelletized rapeseed extraction scrap and glycerine with a purity of 99.5%. It is one of the largest biodiesel producers in Europe. Together with its parent company Viterra B.V., the company offers the following products and services at its sites in 37 countries with over 17,200 employees

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Water recycling of refinery wastewater

ZTIC, Dubai, ALMA BHU BiosS-Treat

Task Conversion of an existing BWRO pre-treatment line to the BiosS-Treat® process and optimization of the circular clarifiers. Design data Treatment volume: 6,850 m³/h (164,400 m³/d) Target parameters: Pre-treatment of wastewater for water recycling in a reverse osmosis plant with minimized biofouling potential Solution & implementation For the pre-treatment of wastewater for a reverse osmosis plant, our ALMA BHU

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Wastewater from refineries with a high proportion of oils

Motor Oil, Hellas, Greece, ALMA BHU DAF, MMF, BAF

Task Design, engineering, supply of special equipment, installation, commissioning of the waste water and sludge treatment plants for the refinery waste water. Design data Treatment volume: 450 m³/h Target parameters: Purified wastewater in accordance with the discharge directive Solution & implementation The process includes the following process steps: In the first process step, the majority of the oils and fats are separated by means of precipitation and flocculation in

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Wastewater treatment and process water recovery in the petrochemical industry

Top Harvest Yanchang Coal, China, ALMA BHU LHPS, BAF, DAF

Task Treatment of refinery wastewater for direct discharge into a surface water body with a water recovery rate of 70 %. BHU carried out the conceptual design of the overall plant as well as the detailed design of all process stages except the membrane stages. BHU also supplied the key process engineering components for these stages and is also responsible for the monitoring of the process.

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